We are an organisation with a vision to make Cheltenham a safer place where differences are understood, valued and no one is excluded


By adopting the CARE code, we commit to advancing
racial, ethnic and cultural diversity, equality and inclusion

We recognise and celebrate individual and different identities and communities wherever we find ourselves. We encourage intercultural curiosity by engaging and learning from each other

We respect peoples right to manifest religion and beliefs. We do not discriminate against individual appearances and hairstyles associated with their racial, religious ethnic, or cultural identities

We build an ethos of fair and equitable access and allocation of resources, mindful of people's different needs and abilities


It is over a year since we hosted the Cheltenham Change Conference on the 30th November 2020.

On the 30th December 2021 the Gloucester Race Commission reported its finding and it is evident there is a lot of work to do and change will not happen if we do nothing. We believe that by working together we can commit to tackling the systemic and structural racism in our county for the benefit of ethnically and culturally diverse communities and future generations.

Having given the committee the mandate to work on the formation of a new alliance to support this work was formed. We are the Cheltenham Alliance for Race Equity (CARE).

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Our Values

Be Committed

Be committed and consistent to supporting culturally, ethnically and marginalised members of the local and wider community

Be Inclusive

Ensure that no one is left out or left behind

Be Understanding

Discover and celebrate difference: everyone belongs here

Help Educate

Promote the meaning, value and benefits of intercultural curiosity

Help Encourage

Always ask questions, we are all learning

Help Engage

Bring everyone together for a sustainable future